Identification of less-favoured rural areas and their support after Romania’s accession to the European Union


Agriculture and rural development have been sensitive issues in the process of Romania’s accession to the European Union (EU). The

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform in 2003 and 2004 introduced great changes that will significantly affect the production structures, land management methods, employment, etc. Focusing on an actual theme, the present paper intends to propose less-favoured areas (LFA) in Romania identified according to the current EU regulations as well as to design certain scenarios having in view the support to these areas after accession. In Romania’s case, this approach represents a new challenge, under the conditions in which neither the legislation previous to accession (except for parts of the legislation referring to the mountain areas) nor the SAPARD program have focused upon a similar intervention type.

Having in view the EU legislation into effect, the main objective was to delimit and characterize the less-favoured area types in Romania. Based on financial proposals for the period 2007-2013 from the National Strategic Plan (NSP), in chapter four a series of financial scenarios have been developed such that to support the less-favoured areas. By the approached issues, the present study may be useful to those working in the rural development sector in Romania, be they theoreticians or practitioners in this field.

Authors: Marioara Rusu, Gabriel Simion, Catalin Dărăşteanu
Published by European Institute of Romania
ISBN: 978-973-46-1845-3.